Adoptee Voices Lifelong Impact Mental health Transracial adoption

NHS therapy for adoptees

Is it a battle worth fighting? Today I start a round of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing), a therapy recommended for treating the effects of complex trauma, under the NHS. It’s taken me four long years to get here, with frustration and disappointments along the way. With all the hurdles I faced, there were […]

Lifelong Impact Mental health Support Services

Adoption, Brian, and Me

Male adoptees living in the UK, and perhaps living with mental health issues, often put a brave face on things to stay strong and not show the cracks in our minds on the outside. We drink with the lads, we put up shelves, we are the strong ones, and we are the ones people lean on for support, we are not about to start asking for support ourselves for god’s sake, right?!

Mental health News

It’s ok to take a break – we are!

15th to 21st May is Mental Health Awareness Week 2023. This year the theme is Anxiety. And for us adoptees? Are we more prone to anxiety? I would say possibly, yes. We confront issues that the general population do not – we are faced with issues of identity, loss of genetic mirroring, our ancestry, our […]

Lifelong Impact Mental health

Adoptees and Therapy

What cannot be talked about cannot be put to rest. And if it is not, the wounds will fester from generation to generation. –Bruno Bettleheim Bettleheim could easily be talking about adoptees – I have asked myself these questions many times, with good reason: I am an adoptee and a therapist.  It is every adoptee’s […]

Adoption Health Lifelong Impact Mental health Personal reflection

The Harsh Reality of Living Without any Medical History

I am an adoptee born in 1974 and adopted 8 weeks later. I speak from lived experience of inheriting a genetic condition, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) from my first mother but only discovering this in my 40s. I’m 49. When I look back at my life up to now, I can pinpoint times that I […]

Intercountry Adoption Mental health

Finally Being Diagnosed with Complex PTSD

When I was a teenager my mother told me I was not her biological daughter. I had been fostered but she refused to tell me who I was and where I came from. Social services knew I had been deceived throughout my childhood but they did not tell me the truth. I felt sad and […]