Scottish Government’s Formal Apology for Forced Adoption

Scottish Government’s Formal Apology for Forced Adoption

Scottish Adult Adoptee Movement Logo, who have been campaigning for Scottish Government's Apology for Forced Adoption

25th March 2023 | First Minister Nicola Sturgeon Apologises for Forced Adoption

The Scottish Government’s Apology for Forced Adoption was issued by Nicola Sturgeon. In a moving speech, she stated that it was important to recognise that even though adoption practices have changed we can never allow ourselves to be complacent.

So today, as First Minister on behalf of the Scottish Government, I say directly:

To the mothers who had their babies taken away from them;

To the sons and the daughters, who were separated from their parents; 

To the fathers who were denied their rights;

And to the families who have lived with the legacy;

For the decades of pain that you have suffered, I offer today a sincere, heartfelt, and unreserved apology. We are sorry

No words can ever make up for what has happened to you. 

But I hope this apology will bring you some measure of solace.

It is the very least that you deserve – and it is long overdue.

Nicola Sturgeon 25th March 2023

Statement given by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday 22 March 2023.

We welcome the Scottish Government’s Apology but feel that it should be seen as a starting point to ensure that appropriate support is provided for adult adoptees.

We have presented our recommendations to the Scottish Government, and are looking forward to working with them to raise awareness of the lifelong impact of adoption and to deliver appropriate support services for adult adoptees.