Adopters Lifelong Impact Personal reflection Reunion Transracial adoption

The Importance of Genetic Mirroring

Genetic mirroring is being able to see yourself in the family that surrounds you because of your shared DNA, something adoptees are denied

Adoption Health Lifelong Impact Mental health Personal reflection

The Harsh Reality of Living Without any Medical History

I am an adoptee born in 1974 and adopted 8 weeks later. I speak from lived experience of inheriting a genetic condition, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) from my first mother but only discovering this in my 40s. I’m 49. When I look back at my life up to now, I can pinpoint times that I […]

Lifelong Impact Support Services

Why Support for Adult Adoptees Must Be Adoptee-led

Support for adult adoptees is in short supply, and we are working hard to campaign for better access to counselling. There is often a lack of understanding, even an unwillingness to admit, the struggles adult adoptees face. We look at the conflicts of interest when adoption charities provide support to adult adoptees