Adoption Lifelong Impact

Adoption: the case for an apology

We need the apology, we need the recognition, we need the acknowledgment that what was done to us was so wrong and we need help: we need help to heal, we need help to get our voices heard and we need the government to take accountability and to recognise the role they played

Birth family Intercountry Adoption Personal reflection

On screen: Intercountry adoption

Freddie’s inability to communicate her true feelings echoes that of us all. We are silenced, unable to articulate the trauma that lives in our bodies. We as intercountry adoptees are made to feel grateful for being saved from a culture that is deemed inferior to western society. However, those same western societies see us as different. This is the paradox of being an intercountry adoptee. We don’t belong to either society and never will.

Mental health News

It’s ok to take a break – we are!

15th to 21st May is Mental Health Awareness Week 2023. This year the theme is Anxiety. And for us adoptees? Are we more prone to anxiety? I would say possibly, yes. We confront issues that the general population do not – we are faced with issues of identity, loss of genetic mirroring, our ancestry, our […]

Adoption Personal reflection

Mother’s Day Reading – Maggie Lyng

Beautiful reading from Maggie Lyng on Mother’s Day from the perspective as an adoptee. This is published in the loss section of A Page from my Life Thank you Maggie!

Adopters Birth family Personal reflection

Musings on Mothering Sunday

Every year, I struggled with this Day. Nobody knew. Not one person. Not a teacher, nor my parents, nor my extended family, nor my friends.

Intercountry Adoption Lifelong Impact Transracial adoption

You want me to be grateful for being a transracial adoptee?

Recently Colin Kaepernick has spoken about his experiences growing up as an adoptee of colour. The thing which distinguishes his and so many other adoptions is that his adopters are white. The sad fact is that there are a disproportionate number of children of colour in the system and available for adoption. Take a look […]

Lifelong Impact Mental health

Adoptees and Therapy

What cannot be talked about cannot be put to rest. And if it is not, the wounds will fester from generation to generation. –Bruno Bettleheim Bettleheim could easily be talking about adoptees – I have asked myself these questions many times, with good reason: I am an adoptee and a therapist.  It is every adoptee’s […]

Adoption News Support Services

Government responds to JCHR inquiry report – our statement

Statement by Adult Adoptee Movement Friday 3 March, 2023 There is nothing new in the government’s response and even less of value. The only change they are proposing is one they are already consulting on. To say we have had the opportunity to have our voices and experiences heard and to then do precisely nothing […]


What is plenary adoption and why is it time to abolish it?

Plenary adoption is what is generally meant when we talk about adoption. It is the legal mechanism by which a child is placed permanently into a family and becomes the child of a new parent or parents. In the UK, the original birth information is placed on the Adoption Register, a sealed record which the […]

Adopters Lifelong Impact Personal reflection Reunion Transracial adoption

The Importance of Genetic Mirroring

Genetic mirroring is being able to see yourself in the family that surrounds you because of your shared DNA, something adoptees are denied