JCHR Updates

Media coverage of the inquiry

April 2023 | BBC Points West – Interview with Vik Fielder and Harriet Harman

BBC Points West report on the continued call for an apology for forced adoption – interview with Harriet Harman and Vik Fielder

March 2023 | Government’s Formal Response to the JCHR Inquiry Report

Almost 6 months overdue, the government has published its official response to the JCHR.

The Government agrees with the Committee that the treatment of women and their children in adoption practices during this period was wrong and should not have happened. Whilst we do not think it is appropriate for a formal Government apology to be given, since the state did not actively support these practices, we do wish to say we are sorry on behalf of society to all those affected.

February 2023 | Committee Corridor Podcast on Adoption of the Children of Unmarried Mothers from the 1940s-1970s

Listen to Liz Harvie talk about the JCHR inquiry, being an adoptee, and the future changes we are campaigning for.

Transcript available

November 2022 | UK Parliament Shorthand Stories – How Women Were Persuaded to Give up their Children

image of women on a brochure titled how women were persuaded to give up their children

September 2022 | BBC Update on Forced Adoptions

Duncan Kennedy’s documentary on If You Love Your Baby … The Fight for an Apology

September 2022 | Morning Live

Interview with Liz Harvie, and birth mothers Pat, Judy, and Veronica – starts at 7 mins 40 secs in. Please note this content will not be available on BBC I-Player after April 2022

July 2022 | BBC Forced adoptions: Call for government apology

BBC Breakfast interview with Duncan Kennedy